Sunday, October 27, 2013

Entering the Atmosphere

this week I'm going to talk a little bit about our goals for this project.  Specifically, go into a little more detail about what we plan to deliver at the end of this first quarter (which is 4 weeks away).

It perhaps goes without saying that at the very least, the game will be playable (and it already is!). In addition, most of the core features will be in place to expand upon in the second quarter.  This includes the player's resources, children, and enemies. 

The player will have a couple different projectiles/abilities at their disposal, which include:

1) Basic throwing knives: kill things!
2) Water spray: damages enemies and pushes enemies away
3) Wind: pushes enemies away, interacts with environment
4) Shield: protects player from enemy

These projectiles/abilities will also be easily togglable so that the player can change their projectile whenever they want.  Children also count as resources that need to be collected, so at the very least, the player will have the ability to collect (or kill) children.  

There will also be several types of enemies.

1) Booty Paladin: a large enemy that can only be defeated from behind
2) Meiosis: an enemy that when attacked breaks up into smaller enemies
3) Wizard Cat: a magical cat that shoots projectiles from its tail

Finally, there will be a couple environmental objects that the player will be able to interact with.  So far, these include:

1) Ponds: with Water spray, the player will be able to add water to ponds in order to reach boats or raise platforms.
2) Boats: with the Wind ability, the player will be able to propel boats in ponds in order to travel to new locations.

In addition to all this functionality, real art will begin to be layered on top.  The main character's model will be done, as well as some (or all) of the enemies.  A basic environment will also be completed in order to showcase the game's tone and to guide what kind of art needs to be produced in the second quarter. 

So that's the plan, and we're all working hard to make it a reality.  Next week, Kyle will be sharing what he's contributed to the project.  Please look forward to it! 

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